Camera is a responsive/adaptive slideshow.
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
Camera slideshow provides many options to customize your project as more as possible
Camera slideshow provides many options to customize your project as more as possible
Camera slideshow provides many options to customize your project as more as possible
Camera slideshow provides many options to customize your project as more as possible
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It supports captions, HTML elements and videos.

Cerradura de Bloqueo Magnética

Cerradura bloqueo de alta seguridad magnética, ideal para el cierre de persianas de establecimientos comerciales en diferentes puntos. Además puede usarse para puertas de garaje.

Apertura y bloqueo magnético.


La cerradura bloqueo magnético incluye tornilleria de seguridad anti-extracción con fijación al muro o pared cercana a la persiana.


Sistema magnético blindado con 4 trolones de alta seguridad. Incluye en dotación 2 llaves magnéticas 4W y modelo KM0P85. Las cerraduras bloqueo magneticas, al igual que cualquier otra cerradura, solo puede abrirse con su dotación de llaves magneticas, nunca con imanes u otras llaves de otros 

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